Frequently Asked Questions

How much do I get paid when a sale is tracked through my affiliate link?
You get paid up to 40% commission per sale. That includes 40% on recurring sales after the initial sale. This does not include shipping fees or taxes.
How do you make sure the tracking is working for me to get credit for sales?
We use a tracking cookie for when somebody clicks on your affiliate link. Once they purchase, the tracking cookie will stay in their browser for a period of time, plus we will track sales through their email address. When your affiliate tracking is associated with the customer's email, you will get paid each time that customer orders through that email or from the page with the cookie.
What do you mean by 'up to 40%' commissions?
We pay between 30%-40% commission on any of our "Night Organics" branded products. We pay a smaller commission on products we sell that are from other brands. The key to make the most is you'll get paid when the customer tracked by your affiliate code makes follow up orders.
What are 'life-time' commissions and how long do you pay commissions?
We have a "life-time" commission pay out as long as you keep promoting. If you stop promoting, then we stop paying commissions on customers that last came through your affiliate link after 365 days. As long as you keep promoting at the same capacity, we keep paying you commissions for previous customers according to our terms and conditions.
What if I only want to promote the Lip Balms?
That is awesome. Please promote them and you will get paid for anything a person buys that is in our affiliate program.
How often will I get paid?
You will get paid once a month as long as your total earned commissions is greater than $100. You will need to fill out a w9 if you are in the United States and if we owe you upwards of $600 or more total.
How do you pay commissions?
We prefer to pay commissions through Paypal.